Friday, May 8, 2009

Traveling the world and crafting on the way!

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to tell you what a glorious day it is in Southern California. It is around 90 degrees and the bright blue sky has just a few puffy white clouds to add texture and contrast! I wanted to thank "my7kids" for her advice on how to pack. I think the culotte idea is fantastic and I'm going to start looking for some right away. I think black in a slinky type of fabric would work for both day and night. I also want to tell Jo that her time will come and I will bring back lots of pics to add to my blog. I also want to invite you to visit my daughter's two fabulous etsy shops:


for some truly unique jewelry and
  • for some one-of-a-kind findings.

I have been selling my pieces at my website mainly to people on the east coast. I think etsy is not as well known on the west coast or we're to busy being outside to do some serious shopping!

Now, back to traveling.I need some more insights and advice. Two years ago my husband and I traveled to Norway, the land of his ancestors. It was probably one of the most beautiful countries we had ever been to. Before we left, we read all the books and looked at tours online and choose what we thought were the best. As you all know, tours are expensive!!!! Well, anyway, some of the tours were really really good and some were not. So this is where you come in. Those of you who have been to Rome(inland), Greece, Monaco, Turkey (Mediterranean Cruise) know all the best places to go. Please Please help us by letting us know the truly best places to see in these countries. The online tour bookings are opening up next week and we definitely want to save money so we can go on our next trip.

While you are thinking, visit my website at:

Awesomely cool tops:


Get out there and have a wonderful day

1 comment:

  1. Hey, your website has some really creative things on it; all handmade. How can you sell the beautiful jewelry pieces at the low prices you are asking? I will probably buy my wife's birthday gift from you. Haven't been to the Mediterranean yet, so I can't help you on that one.

    Good luck getting advise.
